This artwork is a creative interpretation of a road map of Ormand Station and the surrounding streets. Using symbols, icons and the graphic language of street maps in an creative way we are able to create an artwork that would appear to be an abstract design, however upon closer inspection, those who care to engage with the composition on a more intimate level would soon come to recognise the many landmarks associated with Ormond and the local streets used by commuters and pedestrians as they journey through their lives.
Our idea was to develop an artwork that graphically represents the idea of a journey. Commuters of all ages and from all walks of life use trains on a day to day basis to travel to and from work, to school, university or visit friends and engage in social events. We saw these events as small micro-journeys that each come together to make up the totality of our lives as well as the many communities that come together to form the city. Railway stations play an important role in allowing commuters access to a mode of transport that enables people to live within the urban environment as they engage with people, place and space.
Creating the work in an hand painted style allows us to create a piece that from a distance looks like it was printed. When the work is viewed close up, one can see that the work is hand painted. We chose to work in the parameters of the new station colours from the exterior schedule. The artwork was hand painted over a week. The final outcome of the project shows how we worked turning the barricade into a giant canvas.

Location: Ormond Station Melbourne
Client: Level Crossing Removal Authority
Victoria State Government
Title: The Streets
Year: 2017
Dimensions: 30m x 1.2m
Materials: Exterior paint
Amanda Kay
Jerome Dobinson