In bringing together so many people, this piece of work stands as a symbol of the power of community, collaboration and co-operation.

Location: George Town Hub
Client: Department of Education (DoE)
Year: 2015
Title: Journal
Artwork 1:
Dimensions: x18 Panels - Various Sizes
Materials: Sctochcal Frosted Vinyl on glass
Artwork 2:
Dimensions: 10 Panels - 500x500mm
Materials: Print & Perspex
Artist(s): Amanda Kay and Jerome Dobinson

‘Journal’ is a community based public artwork commissioned by the Tasmanian Government Art Site Scheme for the Department of Education (DoE). This work tells the story of George Town’s history through the eyes of its local children.
Collectively the 17 panels come together to establish a chronological narrative that begins at the pre-colonial era and arrives at George Town as we know it today. Each panel illustrates an important point in history that has been interpreted by more than 100 local children who attended a series of creative drawing workshops with our studio team.
Each group was asked to respond to a list of historically significant events that have helped shape George Town’s rich cultural heritage we see today.
The artwork seeks to capture the spirit of the local community and reflects the talents, creativity and imagination of the town’s next generation. In bringing together so many people, this piece of artwork stands as a symbol of the power of community, collaboration and co-operation.
Thank you to all the organisations, community groups and parents who have participated in the creation of this artwork, and congratulations to all the children who helped make this project a reality. This could not have happened without you all.
Thank You to Trudi Cross for organising the workshops and the following children:
Edith Archer, Toby Bannon, Sofia Barber, McKinly Barber, Charli Bishop, Scarlet Bishop, Sam Boyd, Jessica Boyd, Madelyn Boyd, Kara Brown, Grace Brown, Lola Burton,Charlie Byrne, Elise Campbell, Harry Clark, Jessica Clayton, Kishani Cole, Alexis Colyer-Long, Riley Cox, Oakley Cox, Eliott Cross, Finlay Cross, Ollie Cross, Drew Daniels, Hayley Daniels, Molly Davies, Diesel Davis, Imogen Davis, Ella Dawson, LillyAnn Dawson, Sen Dobinson, Seth Dwyer, Olivia Ellmers, Austin Evans, Indianna Fox, Morgan Frith, Taleesha Gibbs, Ava Gilmartin, Che' Haines, Ava Harris, Jack Harris, William Hills, Lillian Hockey, Lucinda Hockey, Zachary Holloway, Katie Holz, LeShea Janssens, Angus Jefferies, Lily Jarman, Kailey Johnson, Darci Johnson, Xander Jones, Hunter Jones, Iszacc Jones, Lucy Koetse, Emily Kreutzer, Jordon Lang, April Latham, Hannah Lenthall, Alana Leschke, Shiloh Leslie, Jack Lindfors, Henry Lindfors, Daisy Long, Charlotte Long, Kyah Macintosh, Chase Mackrill, Emerson Martin, Ella Maurer, Zac McDiarmid, Erika McKinnon, Bronte Miller, Connor Miller, Satayah Moore, Tyran Morton-ÂPolden, Kaiser Myatt, Zoe Nettlefold, Robert Nicholas, Esme Pell, Amethyst Ripps, Braylee Roberston, Nikita Rose, Rasia Russack, Jade Saunders, Gabe Schreuder, Oliver Schreuder, Coby Smith, Isaiah Stone, Hayden Taipaleti-ÂWhitmore, Jordan Taipaleti-ÂWhitmore, Hailie Taipaleti-ÂWhitmore, Axle Treves, Hannah Triffett, Brielle Trudgeon, Tallis Trudgeon, Keeley Trudgeon, Cloe Trudgeon, Charlotte Turner, Benjamin Vipond, Miya Webb, Isaiah Widdowson, Zeb Wilson, Lucy Woodgate, Michaela Zwart
The Tasmanian Government Art Site Scheme for making this project possible, as well as the many people associated with the following organisations, schools and community groups listed below:
The George Town Child & Family Centre
The George Town District Historical Society
The Port Cultural Arts Group
Star of the Sea College
Port Dalrymple School
South George Town Primary School
LiL Penguins
Launching into Learning
George Town Joey Scouts
Gordon Square Childhood Services
The Young Archies
Aboriginal Cultural Advisors:
Lynne Spotswood
Vicki West
Katrina Miller